© Copyright Julia Bourdin 2024

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Julia Bourdin

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Journalism at GamAlive

For two months, I worked for the online newspaper GamAlive. This one is mainly about video games but also about pop-culture in general: music, cinema, or literature.


In the morning, I wrote articles about the different press releases we received: game announcements, trailers, conference summaries... I had to go fast to write them but also to post them on the site's manager, I had to come out with them at least every quarter of an hour, until noon if necessary. Sometimes, especially during Gamescom, I wrote up to fifteen articles. Another intern was in charge of proofreading, but I sometimes took over if she had an unexpected problem.


In the afternoons, the pace was slower: I tested games to write a review about them. In fact, we mostly get games from small publishers and indie games, as the big releases are far from being most of the releases. So, the quality is, shall we say, variable. If a game is bad, then you must argue with concrete elements and not just say that it sucks. My knowledge of game design helped me to do this. The games were also very varied in their genre, which allowed me to broaden my video-game culture.


Also, as I like to read a lot, sometimes I was given novels to try out. Mainly fantasy and novels inspired by video games. I was very happy to be able to talk about one of my other passions.

Overall, I loved my internship at GamAlive. After all, I really enjoy reading, writing, and playing video games. Even if you don't play them exactly the same as a consumer. 

Here are some examples of news I was able to write:




As well as some examples of reviews, games and books:


